Leeds Largest Loser – The Challenge

Ive never been small….just tall. In fact, once upon a long ago around the time of the Queens Silver Jubliee in 1977 I was actually compared to a bean pole. Yup…me? Skinny…for those of you who know me now this will seem like a myth. Thin, Mark.. nahhh. Dont you think its funny that the word THIN is bigger than the word FAT? I do…

1955_61156190830_8938_nFor reasons best left totally unexplained, time spent in hospital, steroid based medication, a few visits to the Pizza Hut, several Saturday night drinking sessions and late nights by the fire with a take away whilst being a “singleton” saw a dramatic change to my shape, size and weight. Not neccesarily in that order I hasten to add. My non-skeletal form has since been dormant in its appearance for a number of years give or take a few where excessive excersise and a strict diet has temporarily made a difference.

Will power……..now there is a combination of two words that fill me with dread. Please feel free to read on……………
sue-ryderaThe Challenge….. oh, the challenge. And what a challenge it is too. I dont want to scare you (initially) with my current balance on the earths gravitational pull (in other words my current state of heaviness/weight). I think this would either put you off reading any further or drain the colour from your facial features. However, I am sure this will be revealed over the next few weeks as the “Challenge” appears over the horizon and I have to attend some sort of pre-fight weigh in. The mental image of an overweight middle age boxer attempting to climb in to a ring suddenly springs to mind.

Over 10 weeks my challenge is to lose as much weight as possible whilst raising vital funds for Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice. I will be put into one of six teams, each being led by one of the partner gyms and their expert personal trainers.

I will be given peak access to my team’s gym for the full 10 weeks, and be able to take part in other classes and seminars including nutritional advice, hypnotherapy and motivational talks.
I willl also be given one to one professional advice on nutrition and exercise to help you shed the pounds.
All together, a fitness package worth over £200.
Then at an exciting finale they will announce the results, where there’ll be prizes for both the individual and the team that loses the most weight to become Leeds’ Largest Losers.
So there we are. This is my mission should I wish to accept it. Well, its too late. I’ve bitten the bullet and come January the 20th it will be all systems go. Which, in a nutshell means the following ten items are to be strictly adhered to :-
  • No Chips
  • No Fish either, or cake
  • No sweets (The annual profits of Mars are about to tumble)
  • No cakes (The annual profits of Morrisons are about to tumble too)
  • Less use of the car (The annual profits of Morrisons Petrol are about to fall – Sorry Ken)
  • More exercise…yes the cross trainer will become dust free
  • Less use of motor vehicle (except when visiting parents in different counties)
  • Get to the gym as much as I can – even if I am still hurting from the day before
  • Throw away clothes that do not fit… I am not going backwards
  • Try eat new things…even if they do look like something you have never seen let alone eaten

Just to add to the list of ten, maybe we should call this 10A……”dont be afraid to look at the scales”… I think the idea is that the common garden weighing scale is to become something of a friend over the next few weeks. Something I will regard as the highlight of my week…the weekly weigh in. Thats if my clothes and belt dont happen to tell me first.

So thats about it….If you want to sponsor me, YOU WILL SPONSOR ME …please???? then click the link below


So, in the meantime…I am in deep preparation….in fact, not just deep preparation but DEEP DEEP PREPARATION….Some of you have kindly sponsored me already and I am one step nearer my minimum target of £200.00…..I need this, otherwise I will not be able to compete.

Hope you come back soon and see my progress, so for now….byeeee