Weigh In – Week 6

The end of the week came with a bang. What a bang too ! I hard worked tremendously hard all week. I had broken away from my usual routine to try some new things on a one to one basis with my trainer. My diet remained the same throughout besides my little slip earlier in the week.

Now, before you start thinking like I did….Dont ! One small chocolate muffin will not destroy the rest of my life. For some reason, something I cannot put my finger on I shed only 1lb this week. Yes, I know it was only going to last so long but it was still a shock.

All the hard work seemed pointless, everything I had pushed myself to breaking point for seemed a waste of time. So much so that I didn’t have the will power to even post on my blog. Yesterday I did a double and trained morning and evening to try get myself back in the saddle. Prior to this, knowing the weekend was so close actually made things far worse and if it hadnt been for the fact that I had a spinning class to attend to on Friday evening then I wouldnt have gone at all. That “muffin” experience will haunt me for the rest of my days. I am not going to dwell on it now, its happened. Get over it Marcus !

Saturday morning however, I feel positive and back in the frame of mind I should be at the start of week seven of Leeds Largest Loser. There was always going to be a low point in the ten weeks, be it from sheer tiredness or a slip in the willpower department.  Either way, I am back.

Finally, thank you to all of my kind sponsors. As I type the total raised for Sue Ryder Wheatfields is £1211.13 (incl.Gift Aid)

Thanks for reading.