Mistakes Happen


When Doc Brown shouted 1.21 gigawatts did he consider he had made a mistake? Marty may have done. Mistakes happen and it turns out that Ive got my figures wrong. Now I am no Doc Brown but last weeks 6lb was not 6lb. In a nutshell I did my maths wrong. Im not sure if it was a hearing problem I suddenly encountered, or even a sight problem that suddenly bestowed my vision. Which ever way I got it wrong.

My lovely friend “The Carp” which modelled for me in “weigh-in-thursday-13th-february” is totally and utterly pointless now because I cannot do simple maths. Well, it was either that or the fact that my memory is failing at the same rate as my weight and waistline.

The end result is simple….. The Spice Girls sang “Two become One” and I will say (not sing) “Six became eight point five”. The actual recorded weigh loss for last week was 8.5lbs.

Anyway, half a stone sounds cool. I can cope with that. It sounds more….

Thanks for reading.

Weigh In – Thursday 13th February

I really feel like I have worked hard this week. The combination of food and exercise have felt good. I think I would be punishing myself too far if I said I need to try harder. I have done everything I have been asked….and more this week.

It was never going to come off at the rate it has been doing over the last three weeks, I understand that. Maybe I should just quit moaning and steady myself for the next seven days. I tried to blame my attendance record for the last week, but I think I am actually looking for excuses instead of being happy with the achievement. I know I was so fixated on getting to 42lb so I was able to say I had lost three stone so maybe my own goal got in the way.

Which ever way I look at this, it was still a loss….A WHOLE CARP in fact, and when you look at the fish it looks big and heavy. Realistically, that one less weigh to carry round everyday. So to touch on figures (which is something I have been told time and time again by Charlotte & Lorena NOT TO DO) my current loss after week 4 is 37lb which is actually 9.79% of my body weight lost.

I am sure there are plenty of Carp sitting at the bottom of a gravel pit somewhere that weigh 37lb. Wait till we start comparing my weight loss to sharks….as if.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your support.