The week that was…..


Ive found it harder and harder to find time to post on “Where is my skeleton”. By the way I am getting closer and closer to finding it, my skeleton that is. There hasnt been much to talk about over the last couple of weeks, not that I imagined there would be. As a team we are all pushing hard and it looks great as we all would like to win.

Going back to the posting issue. I have had so little spare time with my days split between taking photographs, editing photographs, building a website, and training. Oh I forgot to add sleeping to that list too didnt I? As for television; whats a television?

Sorry there is nothing more to say really. My morale is back up and I am gearing up for the run to the finish in two weeks.

Thanks for reading

The Run In


I have not had the time to post over the last few days. Seriously, my time has been either spent setting up my photography business or at the gym working out. The diet hasnt slipped to be honest. I have managed to stick to what I was told. I would be lying if I said there hasnt been any minor hiccups but we are not talking anything serious or major weight threatening.

My focus is now on the longer goal. I am 4 stone lighter than I was at the start and much healthier. I have noticed many changes in my daily routine, not changes that I have implemented directly but changes that are a consequence of losing weight. Getting around is much easier, I actually feel tired on a night and seem to sleep better. I feel full on less food and my clothes no longer cling to me like a lycra clad cyclist. In fact they have become too baggy and like I said a week or so ago, I have resorted to digging up old clothes destined for the bin.

So, for the next two weeks and three days the regime continues and I will work just as hard. It has become harder to push myself and in turn the weight loss has slowed down considerably. Then again I always expected it would. I was told by so many people after the first couple of weeks that the biggest impact would be at the start. They were right, it was. I just continued for a little longer thats all.

I have noticed the exercise regime getting much easier, this is obviously due to my increased fitness. In turn Lorena has started to push me to a new level, a level that I never ever thought I would be at. I am happy with what I have achieved so far, its just a case of squeezing the last few drops out of the tank before the end of this particular part of the journey.

The journey is a lifetime change because there is not a chance in hell that I will be revisiting the old “me”

Thanks for reading. Sorry for the lack of posts…. like I said, Ive been a busy person.

Posting Abstinence …The week that was….


I’ve not had a lot of time over the last few days and the blog has taken a back seat. Having said that there hasn’t been much to report anyway. The days have gone by, the diet has been maintained and the weight is coming off. When I setup the blog I never imagined for one minute that anyone would read it let alone follow it. It appears I am a bad judge of my own position. They have !

So today is Friday and as I approach the weekend I know that the two days off from the gym will not be an escape from the hard work. It still has to be done as we approach the last few weeks of the competition. Things appear pretty tight at Team Cookridge with the trainers and staff at Sue Ryder keeping everything under wraps regarding the leaders. One thing that has been brought to our attention though is a gentle reminder that it is not the weight loss in lbs and ouncesĀ  that counts; it’s the percentage of body weight lost. This gives a fair chance to everyone in the event, large or small.

Check out the way it works here with an example :-

Person A
Starting Weight = 100 kilos
Total Loss = 15 kilos

Total Percentage lost = 15%

Person B
Starting Weight = 150 kilos
Total Loss = 20 kilos

Total Percentage lost = 13.3%

I am sure you get the idea…..

That is all for now…. back soon