Bad day : Cravings & A touch of Cadbury Fever

This is not good. This is not good at all. Its Saturday evening, Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway has resumed on television but there is something missing. Oh my goodness me am I having a severe attack of the munchies and it is killing me. I am afraid to swear on here but *&^% it’s not good.

To make matters worse I am getting visions of a man dressed in a gorilla suit playing the drums along to Phil Collins In the Air Tonight…….. I can feel it coming in the air tonight…oh … I then change track and somehow end up on a scene from the Hangover where Mike Tyson knocks out…. I am sure you get the picture.


I found myself bolted to the sofa. I couldn’t move…my brain was saying CHOCOLATE…CADBURYS but my body was about to start a mass argument with brain, stomach and taste buds that would last far longer than any Mike Tyson punch and maybe longer than a whole boxing match. It was dreadful. I could feel the velvet texture of Dairy Milk in my mouth. Chocolate was there – and now an integral part of the event. One taste of chocolate (or even the thought alone) makes the mouth water and the emotional associations rush in. It brings back the multitude of fondly remembered feel-good experiences we didn’t want to end.

So a great-testing piece of chocolate inevitably makes us happy inside. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that chocolate contains a natural substance that’s reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love or even sex. That’s why, even at times when we’re feeling down, anything chocolate feels so comforting.

Chocolate is Meant to be Shared… huh ! no way sunshine..not in this house. It’s a bar each.

So I peeled back the wrapper, they even have an easy open wrapper now so you can get your fix even quicker. Minute specks and flakes fell off as I revealed the grid of creamy brown segments. My mouth was watering with anticipation..this was the first fix in five weeks. Crack ! The bar was broken, quite unevenly too. Now residing in manageable bite size chunks the were arranged in an orderly fashion on the now lifeless foil backed wrapper. This was mine ! Sod sharing.

As the velvet texture graced my tongue with its presence the feeling came across me like feeling in love for the first time. I could hear the words “Welcome back friends”.

It was then that I awoke.

The words “welcome back friends” were the voice of Ant & Dec on Saturday Night Takeaway and there wasnt a Dairy Milk in sight.

I went and got myself an apple !

Weigh Day – Week 5 (Half Way)


I’ve worked my West Yorkshire Noo-Noo’s off this week. I think that was quite polite don’t you? Anyway, why would I be anything other than polite, people have been fantastic to me during this challenge. Every member of staff at the gym, even people I don’t know there have stopped to chat. All my friends and family that have pledged and donated. The sponsorship is overwhelming. I can’t thank you all enough.

This brings me neatly on to Week 5 Weigh-In. I’ve said before that there was no way I could maintain the massive weekly losses from the first two or three weeks and last week it settled down to 8.5lbs. That was after a slight mathematical error by myself…Tut tut.

So, what will this week bring? I’m lost for ideas to be truthful, I’ve done nothing different but the seven days were bridged by a weekend off and the much mentioned Valentines Day meal. Only time will tell. I would really love to hit the 3-stone mark. In my own mind that is a great milestone for the halfway point in the contest. In the long run, looking way beyond the end of Leeds Largest Loser whatever I lose in the next 5 weeks will set me up for the next goal in my journey.

Why are we so afraid of revealing our weight to others? Embarrassment? Humiliation? Maybe not so much if you are underweight or at your premium weight. If you walked the street and randomly asked a passer-by how much he or she weighed do you think you would receive an answer? Or if you did get a reply would it be the truth? You will never know and without being sexist women are worse at this than men.

Which brings me back to the competition. Leeds Largest Loser has a system in which we get weighed privately. Its a good job because I must admit I am not ready for declaring all to the world just yet. Or am I? Maybe I should adopt a Leonard Osbourne (a.k.a Oz from Auf Wiedersehen Pet) approach and not give a “monkeys chuff” about anything or anyone and just SAY IT ! “THIS IS WHAT I WEIGH…DEAL WITH IT”  Thats still kind of difficult. Like I stated in the last paragraph, if I was Joe Normal and weighed an average 10st 6lb for me size I would be happy doing it. Without stating the obvious, my name is not Joe and I dont weigh 10st 6lb. (come to think of it, if you are reading this and your name is Joseph Normal and you happen to weigh more or less that 10st 6lb then I hope you didn’t take offence).

On to this evening, well I started writing this post at 9am this morning and somehow pressed cancel instead of save so I am hopelessly trying to remember what I wrote earlier and I am falling well short of the mark. Tonight is the half way point and shouldnt really reflect equal sides of the competition. I would like it to, because another three stone over the next 5 weeks would be awesome. So what are my expectancies?  See below


Mistakes Happen


When Doc Brown shouted 1.21 gigawatts did he consider he had made a mistake? Marty may have done. Mistakes happen and it turns out that Ive got my figures wrong. Now I am no Doc Brown but last weeks 6lb was not 6lb. In a nutshell I did my maths wrong. Im not sure if it was a hearing problem I suddenly encountered, or even a sight problem that suddenly bestowed my vision. Which ever way I got it wrong.

My lovely friend “The Carp” which modelled for me in “weigh-in-thursday-13th-february” is totally and utterly pointless now because I cannot do simple maths. Well, it was either that or the fact that my memory is failing at the same rate as my weight and waistline.

The end result is simple….. The Spice Girls sang “Two become One” and I will say (not sing) “Six became eight point five”. The actual recorded weigh loss for last week was 8.5lbs.

Anyway, half a stone sounds cool. I can cope with that. It sounds more….

Thanks for reading.

Latte…… What is that?


That was Latte and not Late by the way, there was no spelling mistake. Anyone who knows Elaine and I will be fully aware of our passion for Costa Coffee. A “Skinny Medium Gingerbread Latte” is the drink of choice. Totally disregarding the expense it probably hurts me to say this but there was a definite addiction somewhere.

At almost a fiver for two drinks it’s no cheap place to drink on a daily basis. Our Costa visits were dropped quite sharp-ish when I started my journey to the Kingdom of “Thin-dom”. Firstly, the dairy content as skinny as it maybe, skimmed milk is only for instant coffee in very small quantities and not for 85% of a Costa Latte. Ouch! Then, if things weren’t sounding bad enough there is the shot of Monin Pain D’Espices.. Which roughly translates in to Gingerbread to save you adopting a quick French lesson. Big Ouch.

2014-02-17 21.20.08
Last year we were fortunate enough to win a “Home” Costa machine in a competition. Not quite the same, but good enough and certainly acceptable if you know what I mean. As opposed to paying out more than a fiver it actually works out that a Gingerbread Latte is £0.53 each excluding a shot of Pain d’Espices. Which brings me on the cost of the “juice”… it pans out at about 11p a shot. So there you have it, Costa at home is £0.64 per glass of Latte. The biggest drawback of all this is the lack of Chocolate Muffins at Winterbourne Towers… Prior to Christmas it was probable that you could have located something within the bounds of the kitchen that would have gone down quite nicely, you know what I mean…a biscuit or three, a slice of cake or similar; these days……? No chance, the only thing you wil find is a sweet potato, an apple or a banana..take your pick. I know, its no compensation is it? Well, it is to me. So if you are thinking of calling for coffee, Costa or not…bring your own munchies.

So, I browsed the www for information on how bad things were and I came across an article that was published in the Daily Mail. Normally I would quote items and shed my own opinion on the views that were outlined. After reading the full article I decided to re-blog the whole thing as there are one or two valid points and the whole story reads quite well. It also fits quite well in to the theme of this post.

The following is an excerpt from “Don’t be a Latte fatty – The awful truth”

Don’t be a latte fatty – the awful truth about your daily caffeine hit

Whether you prefer skinny or whipped, with an extra shot of caffeine or a pump of syrup, your favourite beverage probably contains more calories, fat and sugar than you imagine.

Britons once favoured plain coffee or tea, but we’ve developed a love of gourmet drinks such as lattes and spiced teas – all bad news for our waistlines.

A recent report in The Journal Of The American Dietetic Association revealed that non-alcoholic beverages account for almost one quarter of Americans’ calorie intake and half of all their added sugar. Figures, experts say, are much the same in the UK.

The American nutritional advocacy group, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, now says anyone who feels virtuous for grabbing a Starbucks latte, rather than something from McDonald’s, is misguided.

“Most people wouldn’t consider packing in a quarter-pounder between breakfast and lunch,” says the centre’s nutritionist, Jayne Hurley.

“But it’s perfectly possible to get more than 500 calories in a Starbucks drink.

“Many people assume that drinks are not calorific, but some contain huge amounts of calories and fat,” says Bridget Aisbitt, a nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation.

“Some of the fashionable gourmet teas and coffees have the same number of calories as a small meal and should be drunk infrequently and with caution.”

All figures given here are based on averages in drinks made from whole milk (where relevant) from High Street coffee chains.


What is it: 1-2 shots of espresso with steamed milk.

Calories: Small, 200; large, 341.

Fat: Small, 10.6g (6.6 saturated); large, 17.9g (11.2 saturated).

Verdict: Surprisingly unhealthy. A large latte contains almost one third of the daily recommended fat intake for women. Add a vanilla shot and you 380 calories and 14.5g of fat in each large cup. This is equivalent to ten rashers of bacon.

How to make it healthier:

Stick to skimmed milk and the calories in your large latte drop to 160, reduce saturated fat to zero and still provide a healthy dose (450mg) of calcium. Soya milk contains 50 calories more per large serving, but is still healthier than whole milk.


What is it: A mix of steamed and foamed milk added to an espresso shot.

Calories: Small, 122; large, 207.

Fat: Small, 6.4g (4g saturated); large, 10.7g (6.7g saturated).

Verdict: Better than lattes. But, with 6.7g of arteryclogging saturated fat in a large mug, it’s hardly healthy.

How to make it healthier: Ask for skimmed milk. This will remove the fat and cut the calories to 129 in a large drink (76 in a small). Sprinkle on cinnamon instead of chocolate.


What is it: 2-3 espresso shots topped with water, and optional milk.

Calories: Small, 11; large, 23 (more with milk and sugar).

Fat: None (unless you add milk).

Verdict: Most people add milk, but to cut calories make sure it is skimmed. A few studies suggest that a high intake of caffeine promotes the leeching of calcium from bones, but the National Osteoporosis Foundation says adding milk will offset any such risk.

How to make it healthier: Avoid full-fat milk and sugar. Better still, take it black.


What is it: Coffee and water.

Calories: Single, 6; double, 11.

Verdict: If you don’t add sugar (10 calories per sachet), this is the lowest-calorie coffee. Consuming more than 5-6 cups a day is not recommended by doctors or nutritionists, but a strong black coffee 1-2 hours prior to exercise has been shown to be beneficial.

Substances in caffeine trigger the release of fats into the bloodstream during activity, enabling the body to use fat as its primary energy source, say researchers at the Australian Institute of Sport. You will also burn up the fat faster.

How to make it healthier:

A macchiato (espresso with foamed milk) provides some calcium and not many more calories (there are only 20 in a double shot drink). But avoid caramel and other flavoured macchiatos – a large one has 390 calories and 17.4g of fat.


What is it: Chocolate drunk with whole milk, often topped with whipped cream.

Calories: Small, 357; large, 549.

Fat: Small, 18.7g (10.7g saturated); large, 27g (15.2g).

Verdict: A large cup has the calories and fat content of three hot dogs, according to the Centre for Science in the Public Interest. Worse is a large, white, hot chocolate containing a whopping 719 calories and 33.4g of fat.

Be wary of fast-food chains that make hot chocolates not with milk, but with a mix of sugar and non-dairy creamer (containing the unhealthy partially hydrogenated soybean oil and more sugar).

How to make it healthier: Go for a small, no-whip, skinny hot chocolate to drop your calories to 209.


What is it: A blended creme drink made from a coffee-free mix of sugar, syrup, milk and ice, possibly topped with whipped cream.

Calories: Small, 344; large, 530.

Fat: Small, 12.5g (7g saturated); large, 18g (9.9g saturated).

Verdict: Blended cremes are a mix of sugar, milk and ice and contain just 190 calories in a small cup. But, the addition of syrups, such as banana and chocolate, turn them into a dieter’s disaster. You’d be better off with a small pizza.

How to make it healthier: Skip the whipped cream to save 94 calories (131 in a large frappuccino). Choose a small, low-fat coffee frappuccino with no cream – just 119 calories.


What is it: Three-quarters steamed milk, 3-4 pumps of chocolate sauce and 2-3 shots of espresso topped with whipped cream.

Calories: Small, 255; large, 484.

Fat: Small, 9.3g (5.4g saturated); large, 25.3g (14.3g saturated).

Verdict: Very fatty. This is sweetened with a massive 41g of sugar in a large cup. Things could be worse: a large white chocolate mocha with whipped cream contains 628 calories and 28.9g of fat.

How to make it healthier: Order a small skinny (skimmed milk), no-whip (without cream) dark mocha and your calorie count drops to 175.


What is it: A spiced tea mixed with whole milk and honey.

Calories: Small, 210; large, 362.

Fat: Small, 5.3g (3.3g saturated); large, 9.2g (5.7 saturated).

Verdict: Though it sounds healthier than coffee (tea has antioxidants), whole milk and honey bumps up calories and fat. A large drink is more calorific than a cheese sandwich.

How to make it healthier: Choose a milk-free iced tea (black or green) for just 80 calories and no saturated fat. A sugar-free black tea is better still. It is fat-free and rich in disease-fighting antioxidants.

Five ways to cut down the calories

It’s not all bad news – coffee has been shown to have several health benefits. Caffeine is thought to prevent memory loss in old age and can cut the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers in the Netherlands analysed cognitive decline in elderly men and found it to be four times greater in non-coffee drinkers than in those who drank three cups a day.

Here’s how to make your daily cup healthier…

1 Ask for skimmed, non-fat milk (known as a ‘skinny’).

2 Skip the whip: Whipped cream adds 80-120 calories and 7g of bad fat.

3 Sugar (10 calories per sachet) and syrups (70 calories per shot) bumps up your total. Ask for sugar-free syrups made with artificial sweeteners.

4 Low-fat milky drinks are a good choice as they contribute around 200mg of calcium to the recommended daily total of 800-1,000mg. The best sources include a skimmed milk latte (320mg of calcium) and a skimmed café mocha (277mg calcium).

5 Avoid adding sugary toppings to your coffee. Chocolate and caramel add between 6 and 15 calories.

Week 5

Last week I turned out on five consecutive times, once for each working day. This is the first time I have done this and as a reward I took a well deserved weekend off. In the past I have only ever had Sunday off from the gym so having two days felt like a bonus…a huge bonus.

It was back to it yesterday with the same plan for this week as last. With efforts cruising at 100% I am still in the same frame of mind that was set weeks ago before we started. I slightly touched on the weigh in last week and the loss wasnt too bad when I think about it. Anyway, I decided amongst myself…(Mark chuckles to himself) that I would be happy with that loss every week. I just need to make that happen.

With regards to my food intake, I am currently eating my previously set 800 calories a day. The truth is, I am eating well and all the vitamins I need and I actually feel full at the end of the day. Half way through the challenge I am not going to change anything and just keep going.

Overall, Week 4 will go down as a success and Week 5 I would like to put up there with the rest. It doesn’t seem 5 weeks since the opening event and everyone was raring to go. When I look back my run in to the whole thing was probably the best thing I could have done. I always wanted to hit the ground running and I really think I did that. Getting straight in to training the next morning was very fruitful.

So, I am in the same position as last week, do the work, eat the right foods and move on to next week. Job Done Mark !

Thanks for reading, as always.

St.Valentines Day Massacre

This was always going to be tricky. You know the scenario, married ten years, anniversary coming up, romance….you get the picture. I need not go any further for lack of buckets. This weekend was a challenge for me because I vowed that I would do all possible to stick with the program. My regime is on track and I am very proud of myself and over the last week or so I have started to feel very full on the food I have been eating. Temptation was stood right before me…..but maybe the T word is not the best.

It wasnt temptation as it was part of the evening. There was no way Elaine was ever going to buy the “I’m full after two courses” number. Especially when the first course was soup. I was slowly running out of escape clauses and the problem was as Saturday approached I begin running out fast.

Initially, ideas banded around involved the C word. aaargghhh ! ………… sssshhhh C H O C O L A T E … don’t repeat it… she is watching.

Melt in the Middle Chocolate Puddings… that’s a mouthful, literally. Not that I am counting calories but they weigh in at a hefty 500 calories each and that sunshine is 5/8ths of my daily intake. I cannot recall who actually dismissed the idea, I know I mentioned it briefly but I think it was Elaine who took the initiative and digressed to buying Rhubarb Crumble with a Fromage Frais. A slight difference with this under the banner of Lightweight compared to Frank Bruno class.

The earlier courses were fine. Soup for starters and Chicken for main. I suppose the glass of wine was a partial sin but hey hoe.  In days of old when knights were bold and meals like this were not invented I would have eaten double this quantity. Saturday however I was completely and utterly stuffed. My stomach ached and I was ready for sleep. Not the most romantic feeling on StVD when passion is in the air.

Lorena is going to kill me…..Lorena is going to kill me…..Lorena is going to kill me….. was the song dancing around me head. All evening I was chanting over and over “what have I done…what have I done”! My 800 calorie day had been inflated to 1320 and I felt sick at the thought.
Ok, lets weigh the job up here. It was a one-off, the next event is my birthday in May, that’s three months away. If I don’t sin again in the next 12 weeks then that will make me a saint amongst all weight loss entrepeneurs. Anyway, its too late use crying over spilt milk (or chocolate pudding in this case) its time to move on. Onward and upward in to week 5.

The 3 stone marker is in sight…..Lets Go!

Thanks for reading, as always.