Food for Thought : My Shopping List


Sweet Potatoes
Red Kidney Beans
Chopped Tomatoes with Herbs
Tuna Flakes
Red Onions
Sweet & Crunchy Salad Mix

Stir Fry
Quorn Sausages
Quorn Mince
Greek Yoghurt
Natural Yoghurt
Cherry Tomatoes
Cottage Cheese
Gammon Steaks
Golden Delecious Apples
Mixed Peppers
Chicken Pieces
Quick Fry Steak
Lean Diced Beef
Tomato Puree
Spring Onions
Pistachio Nuts
Cashew Nuts

Shift Up 1

I wouldn’t say fear was the right word. The Leeds Largest Loser doesn’t scare me, neither does the work involved. I would say its all about being out of my comfort zone. Today I made a brave decision to start exercising either side of the midday bells.

My initial thought of fear was more aimed at there would be sufficient time to recover from aches and pains before Lorena pushed me to my limits in the gym. So on that basis an early start was called for. Doing routines at home doesn’t have the same “fear factor” attached. Firstly, any paranoia I may have about they way I look in the gym doesn’t apply. I don’t care what I look like at home. The first comment makes me look modest doesn’t it? I am not modest, well my tummy is… for now.  No seriously, I always feel like I am being watched whilst doing what I have to do. Getting to the gym early or late in the day avoids the busy times and allows me to muddle along at my own pace.

So I did what I set out to do, accompanied by my lovely wife and afterwards settled down for a break before heading for the gym.  Mid break also meant lunch…. Premium Steak with Slimming World Chips and goodness my did I enjoy it. I probably didn’t leave enough time for digestion as my appointment with Lorena was 1:00pm. There were points I thought I would see my food again..thought !

As in the last three days I have been pushed to my limit (that is current limit, as it appears to be shifting) by Lorena and things are working well. I never thought that walking through the swimming pool with weights in your arms an actual possibility. (Lorena, if you are reading this I can hear you laughing now). I felt like a fisherman wading through treacle lugging a Porbeagle Shark.

As I type this I can feel the consequences of my efforts. My legs feel like lead weights, my arms dont feel attached and trust me when I say this, it wont be a late night at Winterbourne Towers, CSI or not !

The diet is going great though, I have stuck to the plan 100% and as Weigh-Day Week 3 looms I am confident of another loss. I do however feel sorry for my lovely wife. Elaine has been forced to change the eating regime and to make things so much easier it appears that she is eating what I am eating…..Before you say awwwww… that was until yesterday.

Yesterday was my lovely mother-in-laws birthday and Elaine took her out for tea and cakes. (Before you ask I wasnt invited to the party. FULL STOP). Thats all well and good I hear you say. Well, it was until the remainders of the cakes were brought unceremoniously back home to OUR house and left on the kitchen worktop in a white paper bag. Upon entering the kitchen my eyes panned round and focussed on the forlorn looking cakes choking in the bag begging for air. The alarm bells sounded and this voice beamed in my head STEP AWAY FROM THE CAKES, STEP AWAY FROM THE CAKES. Hang on a roly-mo sunshine I was only looking. Tut.

The bag laid in situ for a number of hours until all remaining buns had been declared deceased. I considered this a test. A test of my willpower in a trick laid down my darling wife. Whatever she tried to do didn’t work, I am not falling for that crap. I will stick to my soup and fruit thank you very kindly. I mean, can you imagine the calories in those bad boys…I would be in so much trouble.

Seriously though, I have trained my mind to be without these items, a whole month has gone by without a sin. For that I am extremely proud of myself. The remaining 7 weeks of the challenge will see no change in my diet, no sins, just hard work and positive thinking.

Jessie Pavelka you are a star……


Elaines Soup Kitchen


With all going well at Winterbourne Towers and the diet on track its time to display Elaines culinary skills.

The common garden kitchen yesterday looked like Elaines Soup Kitchen. A colourful array of various flavours including Leek & Sweet Potato,  Tomato and Pea and Ham.

Just thinking,  if I took one to a friends house I could say that I’d had a “Take-Away” couldn’t I ?

Thanks for reading

Week 3 … Settle in for the hard work ahead


Here we go… I cannot imagine that last weeks weight achievement could be beaten. Nineteen pounds is quite a lot when you think about it. Having said that, if I do exactly the same why not ? With four days until week 3 weigh in it opens up a window of opportunity, a no option chance to train hard, rest easy, eat well and shed the pounds.

I learned new things last week, new techniques, new routines and breathing skills…. All designed to help me achieve and reach my goal. This week sees me 25% of the way through the challenge with 31lb lost so far. I may have mentioned this before, no that it’s relevant to this years challenge, but last years winner won by losing 42lb in ten weeks…. That got me thinking even more. I see the goal as my own health and fitness, it’s much more long term. I’ve started this for three reasons, yes I want to try my best and win but also for the fundraising and more importantly to reach a healthy weight for a better lifestyle.

My mind set is now fixed. It was easy to wobble at first. Week one saw me complete my food diary without one sin. Week two was the same but some days were difficult I have to admit. Week three will see me sail through without even considering the thought of anything bad. I know what I should and shouldn’t eat now. My diet is strict but I never feel hungry just ready to burn in the gym.

So, new routines have been added to my training schedule. Routines that will help me tighten skin where fat has been lost, push me harder and keep me at the gym a little bit longer. I am not afraid, I am challenged and ready for it too.

For my sponsors that sponsored me £ for lb … I pity you. For those that sponsored me per stone I also pity you and your bank accounts. You better get ready, sit back, watch this space because this is a good one. I wanna lose even more.

Thanks for reading…….

Step Away From The Biscuit Tin

Maybe it would be best to do exactly as it says on the tin…. What do you reckon?

I did it ! I behaved…….totally. A day at “the parents” in Cumbria and not one sin in the food and drink department. I think I deserve a medal for this accomplishment alone. Salad for lunch (brought from Yorkshire) and Stew and Sweet Potato for tea (again, brought from Yorkshire). Yeehaa….Im on a roll….

Mothers biscuit tin is now no longer my friend. Our relationship has ended and the divorce papers are filed. R.I.P.