Take it to the next level Markus

Bong Cheng Tzuu - No Pain No GainAfter the huge weight loss this last seven days I knew that somehow I had to start to vary things in the gym. It wasnt down to boredom or anything like that or even variety when I come to think of it. I specifically asked to try some new exercises in order to extend my capabilities. Lorena is a great coach and understands my scopes and limitations but today was a bit of a culture shock and if I am truthful it was a rude awakening.

I cannot imagine for one minute that losing this kind of weight is going to continue at this rate. Well I hope it does but I am not sure it will actually happen. The questions I am asking myself are things like will my metabolism change, will it continue to fall off if I maintain the exercise and diet together? The potential for the next eight weeks is huge. In reality it’s not about that, it’s about life change and becoming fitter, stronger and ultimately healthier. Things have changed over the last two weeks, things that i could never imagine would happen so soon. According to Mrs W I have stopped snoring. ( I  nearly put snorting then but realised the implications). I actually feel active and get out of bed feeling good. The life change is actually happening…. it’s happening now.

On day one of January Elaine took a picture of me in front of a white wall. Her intentions were good as I hate my photo taking (sounds a little odd coming from a photographer doesn’t it?). She wanted to build a collection of ten images over the span of the competition. This would show a dramatic change over time. It didn’t take long at all, looking at the three images now just makes me shudder. Not from looking at myself but looking at the dramatic change that is taking place. After all, if caterpillars can do it, so can I.

Jessie’s email reply was a real boost. I never even expected a reply as I reckoned his inbox must be full of messages; nevertheless a reply I received. I have started working with a stronger attitude and I can almost hear his voice coaching me along. This is the biggest motivation I could ever need. Throughout my training today I learned breathing techniques and mind focussing exercises that gave me an even more positive attitude. This is the attitude I want to carry forward with me through Leeds Largest Loser and in to the rest of my life. The sponsorship has been tremendous and I cannot thank you all enough. The current total is running at £358.13 which is amazing and I cannot thank you all enough.

I would normally have taken Saturday and Sunday off from the gym but having missed a day this week I am back at it tomorrow.

I am no longer afraid of the hard work, the results far outweigh the pain… after all, that’s what I set out to do. No Pain, No Gain.

Thank you Lorena & Jessie, you have been fantastic this week.

Thanks for reading



NShw_19I was a little apprehensive about this weeks weigh in. I don’t know the exact reason but there was just this little niggle that said it wont be as good as last weeks mammoth loss. Gary, one of the other competitors lost a serious amount of weight last week, in excess of my 12lbs to be honest. This really spurred me on and Friday I was back in the gym, doing everything I could to push myself and accomplish just that little bit extra. I did it and come Friday evening I wondered if I had done enough.

Two days were ahead of me that would normally have spelled fast food, snacks, Mars Bars for energy boosts and fizzy drinks. Two days where the gym was out of reach and my will power was going to be fighting a hard battle with my stomach. I am proud to say the battle was over by midday on Saturday, my will power had won on every level. My usual breakfast was had and lunch consisted of tuna salad with a healthy meal for tea when we got home. The same was repeated for Sunday too, no quick trips to the local 24 hour garage for a Twix and a packet of crisps. No quick body swerve to the local Greggs for a Cream Apple Turnover. No way Jose (no offence Jose) that was not happening.

So I emerged out of the weekend unscathed and ready for the hard work that lay ahead. By Wednesday I had worked my Yorkshire Noo-Noo’s off and Lorena convinced me to have a rest. She is a fantastic trainer and coach whom I have listened to and accomplished everything that she has asked of me. So Wednesday was a rest day but the diet remained and I actually started to feel quite full. The glasses of water were helping convince my stomach that it was actually full. Wednesday was the TV appearance and meeting Jessie was just the icing on the cake. It motivated me to move on to Thursday and prepare for the big weigh in.

The one thing that made me really doubt this weeks weight-loss was missing 3 days out of the last seven, I mean, really that basically suggests that I have only put in 57% effort this week and the prospects were pretty grim. Anyway I thought, (turning a little negative here) I had a massive weight loss last week. So what.

I was last in to the weigh in area. Having come straight out of the gym my shirt must have been holding a pounds worth of sweat so that was off in a flash, the trainers were kicked off and I jumped on the scale. I didn’t look, I dare not. It wasnt until Lorena screamed and said “Oh my goodness Mark” you have lost 19lb this week alone. Nah… Really? It was doubled checked against last weeks weights. Yes, it was correct. Nineteen pounds in one week. It must be working then eh? After announcing it to the group and sharing all our stories from the week we were introduced to last years winner Mark Higgins. Mark lost three and half stone in the ten week challenge which was a fantastic achievement. It wasnt until I had left Cookridge Hall and was heading towards the car that it struck me how much I had lost in two weeks…31 lbs …that’s over two stone already.

I texted Elaine who was eagerly waiting for my figures. There was one other person to email, Jessie. He told me to let him know my progress so I did what it said on the tin. Whoosh..email sent. At just before eleven I heard the familiar sound of my phone screaming “email received”. It was a message from my mentor in this programme, Jessie Pavelka.

2014-01-31-09The email just topped off my Thursday. As I enter another day in my journey I can see my goal and its a clear as it could ever be. I just have to work hard to get there.

Thanks for reading


The week that was, oh what a week….


When I started this challenge I referred to an American Fitness Coach & Motivational trainer called Jessie Pavelka. When I wrote that blog post I never thought for one minute that I would get to meet him, let alone sit and have a discussion about my fitness and the ongoing weight loss. Well it happened.

20140129_082937There is the proof. After the first meeting of “Team Cookridge” I mentioned the influence that this guy had installed in my fitness goal. I was really impressed that some of my team members actually knew who he was. One of them, Vicky Martins emailed me to ask if I had noticed that he was going to be presenting a TV programme from Cookridge Hall.  What? Are you serious? Of all the places in West Yorkshire that this could have happened it turns out to be the gym I train at. Well, never to turn down this offer I made enquiries and got myself on “The List”. A big thank you to Total Dance-Zumba, Leeds for this opportunity.

The requirement was simple, turn up at the gym 6:45am (yes, you read that right … in the A M).  Filming was to commence shortly after that time. It was all to be worth it. With coffee and a selection of Danish Pastries on offer I withstood my temptation and refused the sweet buns and opted for the healthy choice with a banana.

The filming was live and Jessie rehearsed cuts for the adverts and also the full items for the ITV Breakfast programme. All we had to do was look busy, exercising of course. How hard can it be? The hard work was given to the three people selected to talk about “Motivation Nation” . Phew, I was so glad that wasnt me.

During the filming I could feel my phone buzzing. These were the obvious texts saying things like ” Just seen you on TV you ugly Yorkshireman” etc etc… I am sure you get the idea. In between routines Jessie practised his routine, each time deciding which side of the room to make his entrance. I was stood in the corner so he made a joke on numerous occasions.

1505293_651208548248601_1107125400_nAbove is a screen shot from the TV. You can just see me in the top left hand corner. Oh no…. I could never be a film star could I?

After the filming had completed we all got the chance to have a photo taken with Jessie. I wanted the photo for my blog but more importantly I wanted to talk to Jessie about my goal and my plan. I got both those opportunities quite quickly and managed a twenty-minute chat with him. This was more than I could ever have expected. Really, it was only two weeks ago that I had emailed Lee Veasey (one of Jessie’s clients) and that was a big bonus when he got in touch. This was up with the next level…what more could I want for motivation than actually meeting the man himself and talking face to face.

20140129_081945Jessie was very interested to hear my story and we discussed my possible involvement in something coming up in the future. Well, that was an offer not to be refused wasnt it? Thanks Jessie.

Also present at the event were the two Olympian Brothers Jonathan and Alistair Brownlee who are from Leeds. If Elaine wasnt envious enough knowing that I had met Jessie that morning, wait till she found out about the Brownlee brothers too… oh no, this wasnt going to be easy to explain.


After a succesful week of eating correctly and five out of seven days at the gym I am confident that the scales will tip the right way this evening. On that note, its time to go.

Thanks for reading.