It all begins……..Week 1


After the “Big Weigh In” I was a little bit disappointed, I mean after cutting back and trying hard to diet in the run up to this I really thought that I would have shed a couple of pounds since my initial weight check on January one. The answer, in a nutshell was a huge NO. I hadn’t lost an ounce. Realistically this didn’t mean a thing as the actual challenge started today, tonight, right here, right now (in the words of Fatboy Slim) .

As anyone would, I scoured the room looking round at the other contestants. When I think about it everyone else was doing the same too. I dread to think what was going through people’s minds, in fact I am not even going to suggest what people must have been thinking. We were each taken in to a side room to be weighed and our starting weight was revealed. The race was now on.

We were all introduced to the two trainers Charlotte and Lorena and advised that the official start date was Monday. It was then that Lorena announced to the group that she would be in the gym first thing in the morning and who would be joining her? Well, you all know me…never one to shirk an oppotunity. I didn’t hesitate in taking up this opportunity.

I was very happy with this decision, my whole frame of mind regarding this event has been positive from the start of November when I heard about it. I really want this, in fact I will go as far as to say that I want to win it.

So after pushing me to my limit I was sat down to discuss my diet. A sheet was passed to me with a list of do’s and dont’s. This, in all fairness was quite common sense with only a couple of items that needed attention from my current diet. Knock off the potato and stop eating porridge for breakfast. Thats great, I can do that………..I think.

This all seemed good until Sunday morning arrived and all that was available for a lovely breakfast was a banana and a small handful of Cashew Nuts (have you seen how much they cost). How on earth was I going to survive until lunchtime on a banana and a handful of  “shews” ? I suddenly began to feel like a Gorilla, let alone look like one.


The regime, as strict as it is, continued throughout the week. I worked hard and went swimming everyday with astonishing results….. yup !! I did what i said on the tin.

So that’s what I did……………….. 12 pounds from Saturday to Thursday. A week of Hard work.

Thanks for reading..come back for week 2