Back of the net ! £1K


GET IN ! I am totally overwhelmed by what has just happened. This morning at 07:53 I reached £1000 including gift aid. I never for one minute expected this kind of response.

Over the last three days I have accrued over £300 in donations just in response to my Facebook pleas. I cannot thank you all enough for this kind of support. I’m sure you all know how much this means to us at Winterbourne Towers.

Thank you… But please DO NOT STOP

They call me Joe…Just Joe


One of my favourite TV programmes was Auf Wiedersehen Pet. An affiliation that started back in the early eighties stretched for nearly 20 years and I love every episode. So much I know many of them word for word. One of my favourites is an episode where a Red Indian (Native American) turns up in Middlesborough to buy the Transporter Bridge. If you have ever seen these episodes you will be sure to know what I am talking about. Now, I have scoured the www for the scene I am looking for and short of taking a screenie from the TV/DVD still the following is the best I can do.

The lads end up calling him Chief or some insulting name and he replies…”call me Joe, just Joe”. Which leads me on to the point…. After tonights training I was minding my own business, like you do. Through one thing or another I got chatting to a couple of guys in the changing room. I was explaining my challenge to one very nice fellow who reminded me of a doctor. You know where I am coming from here, he spoke well and had knowledge of some things medical when I was describing my illness. Upon actually asking him he very kindly informed me he was in the dental profession.

After a short chat whilst we were changing he approached me with a £20 note in his right hand. Put me down for this fella he said. Now, this is twice this has happened in the gym now, its starting to become something of a regular occurrence. Think I might have to put one of my collection boxes in there (joke). I asked him his name for reference purposes and so I could insert it on the sponsor form I have at home. He said “my name is Joe”. My mind just recoiled back to Auf Wiedersehen Pet and the above scene.

Joe, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. There are some really genuine people out there and I really appreciate the sponsorship. Which, incidentally stands at £838.63 oh would I love to get to £1000.00.

Thanks for reading.

Thank you…..£500.00

WOW ! Thank you friends and family, distant acquaintances and who ever you are. I am totally and utterly overwhelmed by your support. I have now reached £500.00 in my fundraising efforts. I cannot thank you all enough for your generosity.

The money will be for Sue Ryder Wheatfields Hospice where £10 can provide one hours care for a terminally ill patient. Thank you so much but PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT STOP sponsoring me. If you havent already then please donate any amount small or large. You will find the link on the right of this page in the margin/column.


It’s real……

You know that feeling of sudden reality? The one that suddenly brings everything to the forefront and you realise that its is actually happening? Well today it suddenly struck me.

Up until now my donations have been online and as much as they are real it still feels surreal. I havent had my official sponsor form arrive yet but this is probably down to Christmas and New Year. Today, or should I say “Just now” this all changed. I received the mail, late as ever…since when has the postman arrived at 1:30 in the afternoon? In the post was a hand written envelope which I slowly opened. Slowly as I didn’t recognise the handwriting. Not that it would have made a difference if I had opened it fast…..Wonder why I did that?

Anyway, to cut a long story short…I got my first offline donation…. yeah ! Wow…it’s all suddenly become real. It’s happening…NOW

I don’t know why I am rambling on about this, its all been real for three days. I am on a pre-event changeover, just three weeks early that’s all. I have decided that the “annual” New Year diet will become my last as this year I am going to succeed. It will never happen again… after this year I will hit my target weight and I wont have to do it again…trust me !

It’s now taken on a whole new meaning with a slight glitch in the health department, but something that this challenge will change and kick it up its backside. So, for three days I have been eating sensibly and doing well. I am actually going to say that I am proud of myself. I got on the scale and weighed up…I was pleasantly surprised to see that over the last 18 months I have only gained eight pounds in weight….I was surprised to say the least. I think Elaine was more surprised than me.

Anyway…I am going in the right direction. I just don’t want to lose too much weight before the actual start of the event. So I have made a crucial decision, to change my diet but to limit the daily excersise…this way I wont shed excessive amounts before the event. ! Case closed.

Hope I made the right choice..after all, whats a couple of weeks.

14 days to be precise
