Shock Shot !

This morning it was time for my fourth progress photograph. No Biggie I hear you say……………. W R O N G !

How many synonyms can I use in this sentence? Awe, Double Whammy, distress (not sure about that one), Horror (not sure about that one either) but I am sure you get where I am coming from. It wasnt until I compared the fourth image in the series to the first did I realise what is going on in my molecular structure…. Holy C*** the weight is coming off…

There is a section in this blog that is called “Week by Week in Photos” which you can find in the menu on the left. My initial idea was to post an image as it says in the title, week-by-week. After collating all the images (a huge quantity of 4) I figured that this would have more visual impact at the end of the challenge rather than during it.

Anyway, Elaine and I have decided…mutually… that the whole thing will be revealed at the end of the ten weeks. So, like me, be patient.  Like I say, “coming soon… a transformation”