3 Days to go



Here we go… only three more days until the final of Leeds Largest Loser. I cannot believe how fast it has gone. The ten weeks seem to have just merged in to one long week. On the plus side I am now over four stone lighter than I was at the beginning and I feel much better. My whole confidence has taken a new turn in life..

Yesterday was a day for shopping…clothes shopping to be precise. Now this is not something that would rank highly in my choices. Cameras and electrical equipment are much more sought after in Mark Winterbourne’s world let me tell you. A Canon 5DMkIII is much more appealing than a funny coloured t-shirt with an alligator on its left tit. That is for certain.

Moving on, we visited a place where clothes have never fit me…GEORGE (often known as Asda). Now we have mentioned Asda before in this blog, do you remember? I do, it involved a Chocolate Muffin. A Muffin that was to come back and haunt me. This time it wasnt about putting stuff in it was about putting stuff on.

After pacing around the aisles we came across various shirts that my lovely wife insisted would now fit me …. easily. She was right too. They did fit me. I was totally and utterly gob smacked. I was blown away. They didn’t just fit me, they fit me easily too. This was great…it was similar to the wardrobe issue a couple of weeks ago where I had a whole new wardrobe just by throwing things away and digging out things that didn’t fit.

It just backed up any doubts I had about losing weight. Lorena, my trainer, shouted at me in the reception last week saying that my clothes were all too big and I had to buy some new ones. Anyway, I have done. They are in the bag and all ready for Friday evening at the big closing ceremony.

What do I expect? Well, we all want to win. There is no clear winner at present and as we havent seen the results from the competing gymnasium we are really taking a stab in the dark.I would love to be crowned Leeds Largest Loser but I think I will fall short of the target. I look back at the weeks where I thought I had tried my best but only lost 5 or 6lb. I think I could have done a little bit more but no matter which way I look at this I have changed my life and I feel so much better.

It’s not just about winning, it’s about making a difference for me. I am the one at the end of the competition that has to move forward and carry on with the regime. I was watching last years winner Mark training in the gym yesterday. Over the last couple of weeks I have managed to grab a quick conversation with him about the competition. He talked about positivity and attitude and I really believe I have that frame of mind. The right frame of mind to carry on with this after the event.

So, until weigh in day on Friday. Thank you for reading.

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