Incognito? Undercover? No, its just me.

I got my first experience of “The Big Change” this morning. No, I am not heading for middle age trauma what I meant to say is that my appearance is currently in an altered state. Only 5 weeks in to Leeds Largest Loser and as well as the weight loss something else has changed. My appearance!

I have been documenting the change every week by having my photograph taken. Elaine (The current Mrs W) has been snapping me stood in the same pose, place and time for the last five weeks and the change is starting to show. As clothes have become far too big they have been disposed of; As clothes have become wearable they have been worn. Yes, clothes that resided at the rear of the wardrobe have now become available for current selection. The inch loss has proved its worth by making clothing from yesteryear part of my fashion parade.

Now I really know how this reads. This makes me look like a real “Victor Meldrew”… you know the type, too tight to spend money on new clothes. But ask yourself “Whats the point?” I am only half way through the challenge and after all, it’s not all about the Leeds Largest Loser..its about a life change and that is much longer than the ten weeks. There really isn’t any point buying new clothes until I reach my target. Believe me when I say this, the long-range forecast for this was very optimistic. Recent results have shown how wrong I was so now its all change…the goal is in sight and guess what? I want it! I want it so badly. Lorena, my trainer spoke with me last week and suggested that this goal is reachable. The hard work I have accomplished so far just needs to continue and I will succeed. Then lets carry on.

This morning we went to visit someone whom we havent seen since the start of the challenge. When you see yourself in the mirror everyday you don’t notice the changes. When you try clothes on you only begin to see changes when things don’t quite fit. As for our friend Sara, well having not seen me for five weeks it appeared obvious from the reaction that there was a massive change. Bless her, she even had an involuntary cry at my appearance. I had donned clothes that had been asleep since 2004 and the big change was evident as they fit very comfortably. So much in fact the image is going to be used as No.5 in the week-by-week section here which is coming at the end of the ten week challenge.

It felt good to receive a response like this..but more importantly it was a boost. An ego boost that is one of many that will carry me through the challenge. As week six begins it will be just a case of continuing as I have been. If changes are now becoming noticeable then my ego and confidence are riding high. I cannot thank everyone enough for all the support and kind words. The sponsorship is amazing with nearly £650.00 including gift aid which far exceeds any expectations I might have had.

Thanks for reading, as always. If you like what you read here, please do not hesitate to share it with family and friends. This is so important to me and my family along with Sue Ryder and all the staff at Wheatfields Hospice.

Come back soon.

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